Road to Syncera Success
As Rome wasn't built in a day, neither Syncera will be. Take a look at our current developments and stay tuned for what's to come.
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As Rome wasn't built in a day, neither Syncera will be. Take a look at our current developments and stay tuned for what's to come.
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After achieving the set goals outlined in our roadmap, we will initiate the expansion of our ecosystem to V2. Our objective is to establish the most robust DeFi community on zkSync and other platforms, serving as the primary launchpad preference for leading projects on major chains and benefiting our investors in the process. Collaborating with our community and governance model, we aspire to enhance existing products, explore fresh concepts, and introduce innovative programs.
In essence, our venture will not reach completion but will progress to the next revolutionary phase that will transform the current DeFi landscape. The ultimate vision will materialize with Syncera!